Thursday 2 June 2011

Debrief on 1 June 2011

Today we were very lucky.  Mr Sam Soo managed to find an Internet Cafe at the Penguin Parade area and they allowed us to upload our photos!

3 things we learnt today:
1) We learnt that Singapore is the only country with different flavours of Yakult while the rest of the world only have original flavour of Yakult.  And we are very proud of it!  The main reason is simply because there is a competitor called Vitagen.
We also learnt that Yakult contains 2.5 billions of good bacteria and it helps in our digestive system.  If we don't like fruits maybe Yakult can be a good substitute.

2) We realized that the process of making chocolate requires much effort, time and innovation.  It is somewhat similar to making of wine.

3) We also learnt that penguins come home at a particular time in the evening and the Aussies can actually predict the timing quite accurately.

How can we apply what we have learnt today in our daily lives?

1) We are proud of our country!  And it comes from each and everyone of us.

2) The accuracy prediction of the penguins coming home tells us that there is a time for everything.  There is a time to eat, there is a time to sleep and there is a TIME TO STUDY!

Before the penguin parade, we were given the opportunity to build houses for the penguins.  We really found this hands-on activity very meaningful!  We learnt that helping others can be a great form of happiness rather than shopping for ourselves.  By the way, most of the time we are shopping for our family members, relatives and friends in Singapore!

3 things we look forward to:
1) Better hostel.  We expect hotels but teachers explained to us that Melbourne is somewhat like Orchard Road (things are very expensive here) and if we stayed in hotel, the price of the trip will jump to $3000 easily which is not really that worth it.  6 of us are in one room and we find it quite weird because most of us have our own rooms in Singapore.  However, we also learnt to give and take especially when it comes to the use of toilet!  (Excuse, are you done in the toilet? Got 5 of us waiting outside leh!!!)
2) Farmstay and playing with sheep, cows and baby kangaroo!
3) Glow worm caves!

A few sweet and memorable things:
1) Walking with penguins and knowing that we have done a part for nature.  That feeling is really great!
2)  The stars in the night sky!  There are so many of them!  We don't really see many stars in Singapore because of "light pollution".
3) The care and concern we show for one another.

Compiled by Group Leaders: Joshua, Amani, Suyee, Hayati and Ivory

Teachers' comments (Mdm Diana, Miss Rafiyah and Mr Sam Soo):
1) Students are very well-behaved and the tour guide commented that they are too well-behaved for a neighbourhood school.  And we are proud of that!
2) Group leaders have the initiatives to cut down the debrief time by writing down the notes along the way and doing a debrief with their own group first.  For this, we are proud of you!  Good!  You have initiative and really think for the welfare of the group members.  Well-done!

1 comment:

  1. Hi all..Diana here..we are having a great time in Downunder! We love the weather and the friend animals. All of our students are very well-behaved and punctual too! Time flies real fast when we are learning and enjoying ourselves!
